Математика. Тест 19. Для поступающих. В равнобедренной трапеции, описанной около окружности радиуса 5 м и имеющей основание 20 м, другое основание равно:
The world's best friend is you. Test 5 Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите нужное слово.)
It is a very ... journey. Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лиш...
Английский язык. Тест для поступающих в ВУЗы 47. I don’t play hockey, but I like to watch others ..... . The last student ..... now. I have never seen this film. - .......
Английский язык. Тест для поступающих в ВУЗы 15. We ate ..... cake. It was delicious. A secretary is a person who .... letters. Our planet is in grave danger .... human ...
Mass media: good or bad? Test 4 Mark the word that means job. (Отметьте слово, которое обозначает должность.) Mark the right translation of the adjectiv...
Английский язык. Тест для поступающих в ВУЗы 2. By the time we arrived at the station, the train ......... . Rome is famous for its ...... archaeological sites.
Speaking about famous people. Test 1. Find the wrong sentence. (Найдите неправильное предложение.) Mark the word with the sound [w]. (Отметьте слово со звуком...
Shops and shopping People buy milk, cream, cheese and different dairy products at: Guess the shop which sells the goods made by a particula...
Modern technologies It is the development and systematization of people's knowledge about the physical universe. Make the right word combina...
Education in the UK and the USA Choose the correct variant.
... is a school where pupils live as well as study. Choose the correct variant.
... is edu...
Test 6. Speaking about famous people Find the unnecessary word. (Найдите лишнее слово.) Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово.)
Английский язык. Тест для поступающих в ВУЗы 16. I was very much surprised when Ann said that she ..... . I hate ..... . He has never been to .... foreign countries.